Sense of Home

Sense of Home: A Creative Contest for First-Year Students

The powerful stories told by Matthew Desmond in our 2017 Summer Reading, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, remind us of how central a sense of home is in our lives. This theme, “Sense of Home,” has been chosen by the General Education Committee as a thread to link many of the common readings during the Fall Semester of the freshman core course, The Human Experience, and it will also link a variety of campus events across the 2017-2018 academic year.

As a way to begin thinking about the various meanings of home, we invited all first-year students to submit original creative works on the theme of “Sense of Home.” We invite you here to view a collection of those contest entries that a faculty panel deemed worthy of special recognition – including a few designated as “contest winners.” We are sincerely grateful for all student submissions, and also to the Office of Student Affairs for their sponsorship of the contest.